Cornerstone Mental Health Clinics are designed to meet the mental health needs of children ages 5-17 who are Medi-cal eligible or without insurance in San Diego County, by providing individual family group and psychiatric services at the client’s school home or clinic.
These children often experience learning problems or are at risk for placement in special education programs due to their emotional conditions. Our flexibility of services delivery allows us to provide services in the least restrictive environment.
Our Goal
A major focus of Cornerstone’s mission is to ensure the provision of effective, high quality behavioral health services for children and families. We are dedicated to ensuring that all clients have access to professional community-based care.
We Offer
We provide MHSA services for noninsured clients which provides all services for a small sliding scale fee including psychiatric services.
Professional & Effective Medical Health Services
Client-Centered Care
Flexible Service Delivery
Service in Home & School
Parent Education and Support
Family Participation
Bilingual Services
Culturally Competent Care
Community Outreach
Assistance with Medi-Cal Eligibility
Coordination with schools, group homes, community agencies, social services, probation, physicians, foster parents and relative caregivers.
Our Services
MHSA services for uninsured clients and their families.
Family-Centered Mental Health Services
Evaluation & Assessment Services
Psychiatric Evaluation
School-Based Counseling
Crisis Intervention
Case Management
Individual, Family and Group Therapy
Parent Instruction and Support
Behavioral & Play Orientation Therapy
Medication Support
Drug and Alcohol Education Services, and Referrals
Contact Us
6244 El Cajon Blvd., Ste. 14
Phone: (619) 640-3266
Fax: (619) 640-3269